
Argentina SENASA: The contribution of bio-inputs in good agricultural practice
The Argentine National Service of Health and Food Quality (Senasa) was present at V National Day of Bio- inputs, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture, which took place on May 15, 2019 at the Argentine Pavilion of the National…

96% of fungicides used on Brazilian soybeans is for rust control
Soybean rust was first discovered in Brazil during the 2000/01 growing season and since then, the disease has cost Brazilian producers billions of dollars in control cost and lost production.
The Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics…

Corn is Star Performer in 2018/19 South American Growing Season
For many years, corn has taken a back seat to soybean production in South America, but this year, corn has been the real star of the 2018/19 South American growing season.
The way it stands now, the South American corn production will be…

2018/19 Brazilian Soybean Crop approaching 70% Harvested
The Brazilian soybean crop is 68% harvested compared to 65% last year and 64% for the 5-year average according to Safras & Mercado. This represents an advance of 6% for the week. Mato Grosso do Sul is 96% harvested and Goias is 83% harvested.…

Brazilian farmers plant a record large cotton crop
Brazilian farmers did very well with their 2017/18 cotton crop and as a result, they are expected to significantly increase their cotton acreage in 2018/19 to a new record large production.
According to Conab's latest assessment of the crop,…

Cotton acreage and production continues to increase in Brazil
Strong domestic cotton prices in Brazil are expected to incentivize Brazilian farmers to plant more cotton during the 2018/19 growing season. That is the opinion of the Cotton Section of the Ministry of Agriculture which was expressed at a meeting…

Peru will ban the use of highly toxic pesticides
Gustavo Mostajo, Head of Minagri, announced that at the end of the year the list of the crop of prohibited products will be kept. He clarified that there will be a period of adaptation to remove them from the market.
In order to avoid new…
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