Ban on paraquat use from September worries Brazilian farmers

Farmers in Brazil are concerned about the ban on the paraquat herbicide, which comes into place on September 22 this year. The active ingredient, which is the basis of some pesticides used to control weeds, can no longer be produced, marketed…

US EPA paraquat requirements place spotlight on closed transfer system

The liquid herbicide paraquat is widely used throughout North America as an effective herbicide and pre-harvest crop defoliant, but can be fatal if accidentally ingested in small quantities as well as cause eye damage and irritation to skin. In…

La FAO progresa en la lucha contra la langosta del desierto en África oriental y Yemen, pero persiste la amenaza para la seguridad alimentaria

El Director General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), QU Dongyu, afirmó hoy que se han logrado importantes avances en la lucha contra el brote de langosta del desierto en África oriental…

El MAPA analiza con el sector de la fruta de hueso el inicio de la campaña 2020 que comienza con mejores cotizaciones

La campaña, sin contar aún con cifras concretas de producción, comienza con mejores cotizaciones, una disponibilidad de producto al consumidor más temprano que en la campaña anterior y un ritmo de salidas de centrales fluido. Las previsiones…

COVID-19: What fiscal steps are needed to ensure food security

The extension of the nationwide lockdown to combat the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), though necessary, will lead to a further suspension of work and no wages and means for families to support themselves. The activities in manufacturing…

South Australia lifts ban on GM crops after 16 years

South Australia will allow mainland farmers to grow genetically-modified (GM) crops from next season, but councils can apply to remain GM-free. The change, which comes after the Government made multiple attempts to lift the ban last year,…

EU notifies WTO regarding non-renewals of bromoxynil and mancozeb

The European Commission notified the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on April 17 with the draft regulations regarding non-renewals of bromoxynil and mancozeb. The draft Commission Implementing Regulation provides that the approval of the two…

After COVID-19, India’s next challenge could be mega-sized locust attack this summer

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, India’s response to natural disasters is expected to be tested again this summer when a giant locust storm from the Horn of Africa is expected to attack farmlands in South Asia. Official sources said that the…

Luis Planas: Las medidas de apoyo al sector agroalimentario anunciadas por la CE son un paso adelante en la buena dirección

LA COMISIÓN EUROPEA PRESENTA SUS MEDIDAS PARA HACER FRENTE A LOS EFECTOS DEL COVID-19 Incluyen ayudas al almacenamiento privado para los sectores lácteo y cárnico, medidas de impulso a mercado en sectores muy afectados y flexibilidad en…