USDA: Fertilizer prices spike just ahead of 2022 planting season
What are nitrogen fertilizers?
Nitrogen fertilizers are a key component in field crop production. And by nitrogen fertilizers we mean mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, both simple and complex. The main nitrogen fertilizers used in…

American agricultural exports shattered records in 2021
The year 2021 has seen the highest annual export levels ever recorded in the U.S. agricultural industry, announced Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture.
The Commerce Department released final trade data and they show that exports of U.S.…

USDA Extends Crop Insurance Flexibilities To June Due To COVID-19
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, has extended program flexibilities for Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) and agricultural producers through June 30, 2022 or later. These…

El Gobierno concede una subvención de 18,8 millones de euros a Canarias para paliar los efectos del volcán La Palma en los sectores agrario y pesquero
La ayuda irá destinada a compensar los perjuicios producidos a agricultores y ganaderos en sus explotaciones y a restaurar infraestructuras rurales de uso colectivo dañadas
En el ámbito pesquero las ayudas se destinarán a los armadores…

Supply chain issues to continue in 2022
1.Block your purchases in advance.
Stephen Pearce, director of AWP Associates and strategic sourcing expert, said, "From a buying perspective, what we've been advising our clients to do is to think about their sales and operations processes…

¿Cómo afecta la erupción del volcán Cumbre Vieja a los cultivos agrícolas en la Palma?
El domingo 19 de septiembre, el volcán Cumbre Vieja entró en erupción en la isla canaria de La Palma. A día de hoy los daños son imposibles de cuantificar. Todavía es pronto para saber cuánta extensión quedará devastada (ya van más…

New specification for the control of Anastrepha fraterculus in Brazil
Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply launched a new reference specification under the name ER 48, for the surveillance and control of a biological target, the "South American fruit fly" (Anastrepha fraterculus). ER 48 establishes…

Sugar production and export records set in Brazil for 2020/21
With one month to go before the start of the 2020/21 sugar campaign (April 2020 to March 2021), Conab estimates that Brazil will break sugar production and export records. Brazil's sugar production in 2020/21 is estimated at 41.8 million tons,…
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